Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Mirrored Image Photography

The last couple weeks have been incredibly overwhelming.  Between planning for the house closing, the move, and the wedding, the illustrating has had to take a back seat.  We are closing on our new house tomorrow.  So excited about that!  And I have my first official wedding gig under The mirrored image photography in April.  Things seem to be moving right along!  I added a fan page to facebook for our photography company and I and a realty and landscape tab to the site.  Now we are also offering, photography for real estate agents or home sellers who want professional quality photographs of their properties.  We are also offering to to display or sell some of our landscape photographs at businesses around the area.  We have had many helpful suggestions about how to differentiate ourselves from others in the market.  One of them was the real estate photography, I talked to some of my realtor friends and they agreed that having really good photos of your home would help it to be seen more frequently and likely sell more quickly, so adding that service seemed like a great choice.  Other than that, packing has been my life.   I don't think that you realize how many things that you have until you have to put them in boxes.  It makes you want to light a match, throw it in the pile and start over with things!  Since I am feeling much better this time around, the packing is going smoothly so far.  We are going to overlap the apartment and the house so that we can do a little work on the house before we move in, mostly the floors are the priority.  As soon as we have the keys, we will go over there and take some more pictures for everyone to see the before pictures and then we will take more when the place is more finished.  Hope all is well.  Happy Thursday!  Become a fan of the Mirrored Image Photography on facebook and help spread the word!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OH Congratulations!!!!!! Love A