Wednesday, February 10, 2010

A little photography and a little drawing

WIth all the house stuff going on, I have to say that drawing and creating have had to take a back seat :(  I did take some time to draw the other day and I have one more page drawn, still to be colored.  I also created a facebook page for our photography company so anyone who wants to become a fan (hint, hint) please feel free to do so.  Packing is coming along okay.  I have take a brief hiatus, since I have been sick the last couple days.  Just a cold, but enough to keep me from wanting to move.  We spent the weekend ripping up floors so that the new hardwood could be put down where there once was carpet and UGLY linoleum.  Who wants linoleum in the bedroom?!?!? I can only think about the interesting things that people could respond to that, I might be sorry I asked :)  The flooring was delivered today.  The wood needs a couple days to acclimate to the house for moisture etc... so I expect that they will start laying the floor the beginning of the week.  The roof is also going to be, or has been started.  Cross your fingers that it stands up to one more storm! That is all it has to do!  It is going to really suck to shovel here at the apartment and then go over to the new house and do it all over again!  Not Fun!!! If I am still sick, Dave will probably bear the brunt of it, but I can't leave him out there by himself, I am not that sick! Since it seems to be a low energy day and the snow is imminent, I am going to draw some today and start some packing if I get a wave of energy.  Good luck with the snow!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Mirrored Image Photography

The last couple weeks have been incredibly overwhelming.  Between planning for the house closing, the move, and the wedding, the illustrating has had to take a back seat.  We are closing on our new house tomorrow.  So excited about that!  And I have my first official wedding gig under The mirrored image photography in April.  Things seem to be moving right along!  I added a fan page to facebook for our photography company and I and a realty and landscape tab to the site.  Now we are also offering, photography for real estate agents or home sellers who want professional quality photographs of their properties.  We are also offering to to display or sell some of our landscape photographs at businesses around the area.  We have had many helpful suggestions about how to differentiate ourselves from others in the market.  One of them was the real estate photography, I talked to some of my realtor friends and they agreed that having really good photos of your home would help it to be seen more frequently and likely sell more quickly, so adding that service seemed like a great choice.  Other than that, packing has been my life.   I don't think that you realize how many things that you have until you have to put them in boxes.  It makes you want to light a match, throw it in the pile and start over with things!  Since I am feeling much better this time around, the packing is going smoothly so far.  We are going to overlap the apartment and the house so that we can do a little work on the house before we move in, mostly the floors are the priority.  As soon as we have the keys, we will go over there and take some more pictures for everyone to see the before pictures and then we will take more when the place is more finished.  Hope all is well.  Happy Thursday!  Become a fan of the Mirrored Image Photography on facebook and help spread the word!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Still going strong

So each project is continuing to take shape.  I talked to my cousin last week about what kind of photos she was looking for on the greeting card front and we are really on the same page as to what we think will work well.  I sent her a disk with 115 photos on it so that she could get started and I am going to start shooting some more photos.  The only ones I have done recently were of our apartment. Hopefully the landlord can rent it and we will be of the hook to complete the remainder of our lease.  That would be nice.  The pictures came out pretty well too, that was another bonus.  I am continuing on my page a day from for Willemina goes to the zoo, I am about halfway done and really happy with some of the images I am producing.  I am still working hard on gaining the right perspective.  I have two more story ideas thanks to my inspiration assistance from Chris and Dave.  Can't wait to start on those ones, but I also want to finish what I started.  This weekend will be more bridal stuff and Chris and the girls are coming to visit, as well as my close friends from College.  It will be a busy fun filled weekend, hopefully I can crank out a few more images before they get here.  I have mailed the Save the dates, ordered the invitations, received my table runners and my shoes today for the wedding.  Plans for that are coming along slowly but surely too.  It is all about keeping the balance, and I am trying hard.  Doing well so far and hoping to keep it that way! I am putting in another image from Willemina here, and before you ask...she is wearing a safari hat not a hard hat :) Clearly that one needs a little fine tuning!!!

Monday, January 4, 2010

After the holidays pictures

Since I just talked to Chris and she thought it was fine to post pictures from the holidays, I am posting the pictures of the girls that I loved.  Hope you all enjoy them too!

Thursday, December 31, 2009

After the holidays

So after a brief break for holiday traveling I am back on track and getting things together.  I set up a preliminary website for Jenny and I for out photography company.  It needs a lot of work, but feel free to check it out at .

I have also researched the additional equipment that I wanted, just a few extras to help with making the photos a little extra appealing, like a diffuser for my flash and another lens for some of the zoom shots I am currently fixing in other ways.  I will likely get these in the new year.

Drawing wise I finished coloring another page but need to sit down some more and draw now that we are home.  I did take a lot of pictures over Christmas, I have some great ones of Dave's nieces.  I need to ask Chris before I post pictures of her kids on my blog though.  I have one really neat photo I am posting here from the Christmas shop we found in Newport RI.  I love the lighting and the effects on this one.  I hope that you all had a wonderful holiday and that you have a happy and safe New Year's eve tonight!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Good habits continuing

So my goal was to illustrate one page a day, draw, ink, and color.  I have not quite made that, but I have done pretty well.  I have about 4 pages completed for 5 days worth of work.  ( Since I had a bachelorette party this weekend, illustration was totally impossible.  Also we were able to successfully negotiate an offer that we are really happy with for a house, so we spent today talking to mortgage people and will spend tomorrow going through the home inspection.  This may seriously infringe on my goal, but I am super excited about the house!  It is in downtown Plymouth, so walking distance to everything.  We have 4 bedrooms and 2 full baths.  Definitely some work to do, but I am really excited about it. We are already planning rooms in our heads and making project lists.  Instead of attaching an illustration, I am attaching a picture of the house.  Next week we will be back to illustration pages.   Hope everyone is having a good week and gearing up for the holidays!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

I am back from my little hiatus!

Clearly after coming back from Colorado it took me a little while to get back in the swing of things.  I was on such a great schedule of getting up and drawing in the morning and then I went away and it all fell apart.  Thanksgiving came and then things got busy.  Dave and I started looking for a house and I was more motivated to search for that.  This afternoon and into this evening I spent sometime drawing. I only really got one picture finished, but it came out really nice.  I am trying out some new more 3D friendly looks for Willemina.  I think I like the new version, it seems like it would work better with the photographs so that she was more incorporated into the scene.  Willemina, in case I have not mentioned it before, is the name of the main character in my children's stories. Until now she has been more of a simple line drawing but I am starting to experiment now and see what I think changing things up a bit would do.  Since I was drawing with pencil and paper tonight and not with the tablet, showing you my drawings will have to wait, but it is coming along nicely.  Also, when we find a house I will definitely post some pictures on line for everyone to see.  This should be the boost to motivate me to get back on track and get excited about the projects we have been wanting to focus on!