Sunday, December 6, 2009

I am back from my little hiatus!

Clearly after coming back from Colorado it took me a little while to get back in the swing of things.  I was on such a great schedule of getting up and drawing in the morning and then I went away and it all fell apart.  Thanksgiving came and then things got busy.  Dave and I started looking for a house and I was more motivated to search for that.  This afternoon and into this evening I spent sometime drawing. I only really got one picture finished, but it came out really nice.  I am trying out some new more 3D friendly looks for Willemina.  I think I like the new version, it seems like it would work better with the photographs so that she was more incorporated into the scene.  Willemina, in case I have not mentioned it before, is the name of the main character in my children's stories. Until now she has been more of a simple line drawing but I am starting to experiment now and see what I think changing things up a bit would do.  Since I was drawing with pencil and paper tonight and not with the tablet, showing you my drawings will have to wait, but it is coming along nicely.  Also, when we find a house I will definitely post some pictures on line for everyone to see.  This should be the boost to motivate me to get back on track and get excited about the projects we have been wanting to focus on!


mleslie said...

Wow Kathy! I'm so excited to hear you are writing and illustrating a children's book. I can't wait until it is published and I'll get to read it to my children and say...I knew her when :-)

Anonymous said...

Hello this is A. I am so happy things are getting back to normal. I was missing katphotogirl. Great drawing!